The aggregate functions, such as Sum, Count, Min, or Max are used to produce grand totals. Values output by them are just like the totals that appear at the end of each column listing in a report. You can also use these functions to output sub-total values. The Group By clause of the Select statement lets you split up the values in a column as a whole. It combines into a single record all records that have identical values in a particular field or combination of fields. The Group By clause can group the results by one or more columns.
The syntax for an Group By statement is as follows:
The Where clause is optional. If a Where keyword presents in SQL statement, it comes before GROUP BY clause.
Example #1
This query returns a list of different items and a field called ‘TotalSum’ that counts the result sum of antiques that supply each item.
Example #2
This will return names of each item and the maximum price for it.
Example #3
The preceding example returns a list of seller’s ids and a field called Number_of_Sellers that counts the number of sellers whose BuyerID equal to 15.