Wow, Yet another upload plugin! What makes it different?

- It’s new. Supports all modern technologies.
- It’s good looking and works out of the box. Based on Bootstrap and Glyphicons icons.
- Cross domain upload, client size images resing.
- Supports multiple platforms (PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, Java, Node.js, etc)
Quick start
There are two available versions of plugin, Bootstrap and jQuery UI based. There is also a basic version of plugin (if you want to design a custom UI around it).Settings
Using jQuery File Upload (UI version) with PHP
Download source code and upload it to your server. Rename the folder if you need to. Open demo page to make sure it works.
By default everybody can upload and download files. If you want to protect files from being downloaded – password protect “files” folder via .htaccess.
Using jQuery File Upload (UI version) with Google App Engine
Download plugin and edit app.yaml file replacing “jquery-file-upload” with your App ID. Upload server/gae-python or server/gae-go to Google App engine (depending on what your development language is).
Upload jQuery-File-Upload (root folder) to your own server and edit form action target to point to your App Engine instance.
Using jQuery File Upload (UI version) with Node.js
You can install Node.js sample to your server via npm.
npm install blueimp-file-upload-node
Start service:
Download plugin, unzip it, edit index.html and point form action to your Node.js (i.e. to http://localhost:8080). You can also upload project files to any other server and use it as a UI to upload files to Node.js server.