Access: Sin Function

In Access, the Sin function returns the sine of an angle.

The syntax for the Sin function is:

Sin ( number )

The argument number can be any valid numeric expression that expresses an angle in radians. The Sin function takes an angle and returns the ratio of two sides of a right triangle. The ratio is the length of the side opposite the angle divided by the length of the hypotenuse.

Sin (15)       returns 0,65028784 
Sin (2)        returns 0,90929742

VBA Code

Dim MyNumber 
MyNumber = Sin(2.5)

This example uses the Sin function to return the sine of an angle. Now the MyNumber variable would contain the value 0,5984721.

SQL query

You can also use the Sin function in a query.

SELECT Sin([OwnerId]) AS Expr1 
FROM Orders


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